Tree, woods and forest - Kanji exploration

Tree Kanji - Ki


Hello again and welcome back to my series of small informative Japanese language bites. Here's a quick post exploring the Kanji for tree (Ki), woods (Hayashi) and forest (Mori). These Kanji are really interesting as they use the same character (Tree - Ki) to illustrate the scale of a tree filled area. Above we see the single character for tree and below the character for woods-

Woods Kanji - Hayashi

As you can see the character for woods (Hayashi) is made up of two tree characters.

Forest Kanji - Mori

Continuing in scale the Kanji for forest (Mori) is made up of three tree characters. So in learning the Kanji for tree you are also learning woods and forest. Now we just have the rest of the language to learn. 

Thanks for stopping by, I will be posting more Japanese language bites soon. I hope this helps with your language studies. It's already helping with mine.
