A fine romance - getting Valentine's day right

Hello, hello,

If you're anything like me you find yourself getting into a tizzy coming up to Valentine's day. I'm terrible at it and always have been. I'm in a stable relationship and me and the Mister are really happy together, but I always find the idea of Valentine's just makes me feel weird. I can never find a gift or card that says how I feel just right. I hate going out for dinner as you are always crammed into a over-packed restaurant and surrounded (within elbow distance) by couples who don't speak to each other all year (and this day is not an exception) or the grand gesture engagement experience. I enjoy love, don't get me wrong, I just don't really want to experience other people's. Love is intimate and silly and special. It shouldn't feel crowded or awkward.

What really got me was the cards. Valentine's day cards were always overpriced and sickly sweet. I'm thirty years old, a picture of a bear is not going to cut it. So I started making my own that were silly and had a bit of a dark side-

 A card like this just took all the pressure out of National Enforced Love day. We made pizza and enjoyed the sunset and then we played video games (I think it was Sacred 2) and it was the best. I have to come up with something new this year but I'm working on it. Here's some other designs if, like me you find card designs a little soppy or weird at this time of year.


So that's my solution to a happy  and soppy-less Valentine's day. Don't take it too seriously. Make memories that last and that are good. Cook a meal together, enjoy a movie, make something for each other. It doesn't take that long and it feels much less awkward than a romantic meal in a sardine can restaurant.

Hope you have a great Valentine's day
