Day 2 learning Japanese and flowing like water

Water Kanji - Mizu

Konnichiwa! (Hello!)

Here we are on day two of learning Japanese and the word of today is water or in Japanese "Mizu". Yesterday we looked at the Kanji for fire (Hi) which looked like this-

Fire Kanji - Hi
Hope you are enjoying them so far. To help me with my studies I am using Byki's free language lists so I can learn to speak Japanese. I you want to join in and use Byki you need to download their language software. You can use their free language Byki Express package which gives you some starting language lists to work from and then you can move on to free user created lists or they have a paid subscription service called Byki Deluxe. I'm going to explore the free ones at the start. I use these all the time when I'm brushing up on my French language skills. They have loads of languages so if you're looking for a different learning challenge give them a look but here we are going to focus on their Japanese lessons.

A great list to start with is The Most Common Words 01 which takes you through Japanese particles that help make up sentence structure. This is a ten word list with audio to help work on pronunciation. To add it to your Byki software download the binary file and run it from your computer. This list is helping me to listen to sentence structure. When I hear the language spoken I can try to break down the whats being said into parts. I can't wait to learn more words so that my understanding of conversation structure grows but I am pacing my learning so that I don't overwhelm myself and go off my studies.
I'm getting a huge kick out of learning this language and I hope I can help others enjoy learning something new. I'll keep finding new ways of learning Japanese and posting them here so if you want to learn with me just come on back. Also feel free to comment or message if you want to get in touch or have a good language tip!
If you can't wait for the next Kanji you can check out some of my new designs on Redbubble and there are also fantastic resources online such as the Japanese About page as well as some fantastic community groups on Google+ that I came across earlier. I'll be back tomorrow with the Sun and the Moon.

Thanks for stopping by
Sayonara (Goodbye)
