Working as an artist and eating monster munch sandwiches

Warm welcoming!

I'm Caerys and I make abstract paintings and artworks which I sell online. It sounds cliche but I've been making things since I can remember and I've been trading online since June 2013. I'm good at the creating side of things but I'm still learning about the promotion side of things. I have made sales, which is great because then I know I am not deluding yourself about the quality of my art but I still feel I could do better. So I'm embarking on a grand voyage to be the best online artist I can be and I'm going to document the different tools, experiences and strategies of my journey.

The first thing I have noticed is that setting up better online infrastructure takes care and time. I used to just sell on Ebay and I didn't need to promote my work as customers came to me. After a while I noticed sales slowed down as trust in the platform diminished and the search engine made selling one-off original art frustrating. Now I'm setting up networks and shops in new locations and this takes time, hence eating monster munch sandwiches for lunch because it is quick. For all my wonderful international readers, Monster Munch is a maize based crisp snack which goes great in sandwiches but probably isn't the best idea for a long term diet plan. Just to clarify, I'm not complaining, I'm enjoying the chase. This is a huge adventure for me and I'm taking responsibility for my identity as an artist and the image of my art. I'm thrilled, because I never had the confidence to stand up for my work like this.

On that note I'd like to give a huge thank you to everyone who has bought my work so far and for everyone who supports independent artists. You make the world more exciting. I'll sign off for now but I'll be continuing my "Career Artist" blog as the journey continues.

With fondest affections
