Discover New Artists (DNA) – Eva Andrews from Catchaleaf on Etsy

One of the "Storm" series by Eva Andrews at Catchaleaf

Hi everyone and welcome to a new series following talented contemporary artists. 

This is the first post in the series which will cover some of the fantastic creators of unique artworks that can be found on the internet.

The series is called “Discover New Artists” or “DNA”. Every day I come across great artists and decided it would be fun to share their exquisite creations with you! For my opening entry, I would like to introduce you to Eva Andrews, based in Cambridge who runs Catchaleaf on Etsy.

Catchaleaf on Etsy

Eva Andrews uses non conventional techniques and materials to create unique and striking artworks. Her processes involve abstract painting and collage and she uses materials such as paints, papers, gel media and different types of wood to create warm, earthy pieces. By developing these techniques and using these materials her work has a striking texture which stands out when you view it.

Summer Shadow No. 1

With a background in sculpture and glass work it comes as no surprise that Eva’s works take on a 3D quality. Her techniques employ layering to give a sense of depth and substance. Her use of colour feels familiar and inviting. A lifetime of creativity is evident in the quality of the art.

Blue Box

The majority of artworks on Catchaleaf are abstract in nature. Eva combines non formative shapes with natural forms and geometric designs to create her distinctive brand of art. In her shop you can find original artworks on canvas and wood, handmade and printed art cards, art prints and ACEO miniature artworks
If you would like to know more about Eva Andrews modern art and processes take a look at her shop on Etsy.

I’ll be bringing you more amazing artists in future. I’m hoping to showcase at least one per week so that you can see the fantastic contemporary creators that the world has to offer.

If you know of any wonderful artists who could be featured here let me know in the comments.

So until next time, thanks for stopping by!

7 Rayed Designs
